He was slightly anxious entering her drive. It had been three weeks since he had somehow found his voice in her proximity at a business meeting and asked her to join him for a drink. They had met only twice for dinner since then, exchanged a few words mid-week, and he could envision every intricate detail of her. Her smile, teeth, body, laugh, voice…oh my, did she have a sexy voice. This woman had been in his mind day and night no matter how hard he tried to shake her loose. Last Friday she expressed she would like to make plans next time. He found himself becoming slightly edgy when he didn’t hear from her until Thursday evening. She sent him a text. “ My place…8 sharp…bring an open mind!” Open mind? His mind was splitting open just staring at the text.

7:57 his clock read as he killed the engine outside her mini mansion of a home. Sharp he would be, after all he was a grown man and it was time to drop the teenage urges and put his open mind to good use. He was greeted at the door by a warm and friendly middle aged woman, who appeared to be just leaving. “Good evening Mr. Shaw, Ms. Jezabelle is in the living room down the hall. I prepared a tray with hot sake for you to take in with you, enjoy your evening.” She left as he thanked her. The kitchen looked as if she employed a five star chef. She did not seem like a domestic type, then again he knew so little of her. Excitement spiked throughout him with the feeling he was about to learn a lot more. Grabbing the tray he reached into his pocket and placed the small slender box containing a gift he bought next to the hot pot of sake. He wasn’t sure she would approve but his instinct told him not to overthink things with her and just do as he felt.

The tray almost slipped from his hands as he entered the living room. He could feel the surroundings were exquisite but was unable to draw his attention anywhere but on her. Her almost nude body was even sexier than he had imagined. She lay stretched out on the couch wearing only what he was sure to be the finest French lingerie known to mankind. Their meal displayed as art across bare skin from her ass to shoulder blades. With her head resting in her hands she had a beautiful smile and didn’t take her eyes off him, drinking in his reaction. Quickly he regained his composure and stood in the doorway just long enough for the circulation to return to his legs.

“You approve…I hope you brought an appetite.” Her voice purred and she appeared perfectly comfortable being nearly nude before him.

“I can’t remember feeling as famished as I am right now. You look most beautiful and appetizing.” He placed the tray next to her and poured them a cup of sake. Placing it in her hand he sank to his knees beside her on the cushion he knew was for him and held his cup to hers. “A toast…to my heart for remaining beating!” Her giggle was even sexy and soothing.

They ate slowly; he had never fed such a delectable mouth. He was sure by the way she wrapped her lips around each bite that she was deliberately tantalizing him, so he played along taking his time sliding the chop sticks from her mouth. The sake flowed and so did edgy conversation; he would not succumb to his childish urges and challenge her back. It was driving him mad not to touch her, but he made sure to remove each delicious bite from her body without as much as a graze of her skin.

After the last bite he handed her the box. It contained a cuff he had noticed she took a second glance at as they strolled along shops after dinner the previous week. He couldn’t risk watching; instead he busied himself by unwrapping a warm moist towel from a warming tray and cleaned her delectable body. His pants were becoming tighter by the moment…almost combustible. Before he could finish the task he was taken aback by her attack. She pounced like a wild cat, fast, pinning him to the floor. Her tongue grazed across his lips parting them before she claimed his mouth with a kiss worth suffering for. “I love it, Thank You.” She whispered in his ear releasing him. Relief filled him and just as he was about to return her passion she was up and collected.

“Do you think you could obey me?” She was dead serious and staring straight through him.

Obey??? Wow, this was definitely a question that threw him off his game. He wasn’t the type of guy to obey anyone. Her brow raised in a challenging gesture as an eternity passed before he could speak. “That is an intriguing question. I would like to try.”

She opened a small box and retrieved a long gold chain, it was mesmerizing the way she moved. Placing it over his neck it extended to a large ring that slipped over her finger. She also deliberately made no skin contact making him almost ache with anticipation for her touch. With a slight tug of the chain he immediately stood. Without a word he was led down a hall into a spacious yet cozy bedroom. Following her lead, his body was on fire knowing he would do more than try to obey her every command. Never would he have dreamed of being leashed, nor that it could turn him on. She walked him over to a unique chair that he was certain did not come from any common furniture store. Then again sneaking a quick glance around neither did the bed or most of the décor. Turning to face him she looked into his eyes. It was as if she could speak with those beautiful eyes. He wanted to kiss her again, aside from the assault a few moments ago he had only kissed her briefly to say goodbye once before. Now that he had a taste of her, he knew he would do just about anything to get more. His eyes locked on her plush pink lips and his hand came to her face to claim her mouth again. His attempt was quickly brought to a halt, his hand slung and pinned to his side by the chain he had been led by. She was fast. Before he knew it she backed him up until the chair was at the back of his legs and with a firm tug on the chain he was seated.

“To obey…to follow the commands or guidance of…I will guide, if you can manage to act in an obedient manner.” Sliding the ring from her finger and placing it his lap, she turned and went to the wall of mirrors across from him. She slid one to the side revealing a wall of sex objects. Very exquisite sex objects some of which he recognized and others he never knew existed.

“Do you still want to play?” Play or punishment it was becoming confusing as to which he would prefer. She was giving nothing away; it was a straight up question. A nod is all he could return. A slight smile came across her lips as she removed a couple items from the wall and brought them in front of him. “Do you have a problem with either of these?” One was a rope and the other a whip of some sort.

“Only that I would like to be the one holding them.” He was bluffing and not willing to give even a hint of it away. Ropes and whips were something he had fantasized about but never had the opportunity with the right woman to experience.

“Not tonight. Let’s see how well you behave first. Remove everything; I want you just as you are with nothing but the chain. Understand?” Towering over him, her breasts so close he could lean forward and taste them, she didn’t touch him and waited for a response. She hadn’t touched him since she leashed him like a dog. It was driving him to the brink of insanity already, what the hell was wrong with him? He nodded again.

“Say it!” The warmth left her voice.

“Yes. But I have a condition.” He glanced down her body, past the fine garters, and locked eyes with the sexiest pair of heels. He returned a challenging smirk to disguise the fact he was holding his breath awaiting her answer.

“Condition, hmmm…I’m not sure I like the way that word feels. I may warm up to it since I am aching to get my hands on you. What is your condition?”

“The Louboutins must stay on!”

Her laugh had a bit of a wicked tone, it was so fucking hot. “I think that can be arranged.” She turned and walked to the corner of the spacious room where there was a frosted glass dressing partition. He could see her silhouette behind the glass and see her panties slide over the delectable shoes. She knew he was watching, for it would be much easier to remove them. Undressing was not an issue for him. He took pride in his physique and was confident she would approve.

“I am quite resourceful and took it upon myself to obtain your medical history. I hope you don’t mind. Mine is there for you on the night stand if you have any concerns. I am completely clean, pregnancy is a non-issue, and I prefer not to bother with condoms if you are agreeable?” She stepped from behind the glass and his jaw lost all counter ability to gravity as she approached him. Her long blonde hair was pulled back revealing a gold chain that wrapped around her neck and attached to her nipples. Her garters hooked to the leather corset that had attachments hanging from both hips. His cock was hard instantly and she took note of it.

“The condom, I have one here if you prefer?” She slid one from the top of her stocking and held it out for him.

“Pregnancy is a non-issue?”

“Then no…I would prefer to feel you flesh to flesh.”

“Beautiful, let’s begin then.” She picked up a deep tray from the bed and walked back to the wall of implements. As she filled the tray, he could not tell what to expect, only that it completely turned him on. Placing the tray beside him on the bed, she paused licking her bottom lip and studying him from top to bottom. Picking up the gold ring attached by a chain to his neck she ran her tongue around the inside and slid it over his erection to the base.

“I think you have seen enough for now.” She slid a black silk blindfold from the tray and tied it quickly behind his head. This was by far the most erotic evening he had spent with a woman and she had barely touched him. All of his senses became intoned to her every movement. She began by picking up his left foot and placing it on the other side of the chair. Vulnerability was a foreign emotion to him until this moment. Never would he have imagined it would be a welcome one. He could feel the rope tighten around his ankle and her fingers making short work of a knot. Once both feet were bound, she straddled over him allowing only her inner thighs to graze his hips. His erection had to be only inches from where he desperately wanted to be. A leather crop pressed across his neck pushing him back into a reclined position against what he was sure now to be a chair designed for sex. “You have an amazing body.” She ran something a bit sharper then her fingernail down the inside of his arm and grabbed his wrists pinning them to the sides of the chair just below his thighs. “Keep these here. Understand?”

“Yes” He was almost panting.

Her lips grazed his ear as she whispered. “Don’t come until I say. I am going to enjoy every delicious inch of you first. Keep still.”

He wanted to counter with a smart remark but as he began to speak she took his bottom lip between her teeth and bit down just hard enough to make him flinch. She ran her tongue over his swollen lip. “Shhhh, I’ve got you, trust me.” She sucked his ear lobe and nibbled along his jaw line, ran her tongue down his neck. He could hear her taking a bottle from the tray, then feel the oil drizzle over his chest and down his thighs. Her hands felt magical, as if they were stroking his most intimate part just by running circles over his chest. She took her time manipulating each of his limbs making him feel worshiped. Spending several moments on his hand alone, she pooled oil and manipulated his palm in a fashion that triggered sensations all throughout him. Several times he forced himself to focus on the soothing music to momentarily take his mind from the fact that he was close to losing control. He was putty in her capable hands and she tended to him in a fashion so erotic. Bringing him to the brink, building more desire than he knew he was capable of. He knew she was enjoying herself, for she purred words of praise, growled discipline, and whispered naughty commands. The moment her hands left his body he desperately wanted them back. He could hear her get on the bed beside him. “Take yourself with your hand, the way you have been the past few weeks. I know you have fantasized about my pussy…wet for you. Show me how you fucked me in your mind. I want to watch.”

He swallowed the pooling saliva from his mouth. How she knew the depths of his thoughts while remaining such a mystery to him provided a challenge, and he loved a challenge. He laid his head back against the chair and used his well-oiled hand to stroke himself methodically. He would make a show of this in attempt to hear her become anxious for his body. Needing a distraction, he strained against the ropes binding his legs, knowing one thought of her riding his considerable length would be his undoing. Proud that he made it a priority to sculpt his body he moaned and flexed his biceps. Sweat began to shimmer over his body as he increased the rhythm.

He could hear her approach. She placed her hand over his stroking him from base to tip and back again stopping just before the tip. She licked the drop of dew from his tip and sucked lightly swirling her tongue driving him to insanity. His cock throbbed with desire as she thrusted him into her throat repeatedly. She knew just when he was about to unravel breaking contact allowing him to regain control.

“I’m going to give you a little taste of how wet I am for you.” She grabbed his hand and slid his finger across her slippery sex, then to his mouth. “Taste.”

“You are so sweet. I want you.” So badly it was almost painful.

“I know. Listen to my voice, let me think for you, surrender to me.” She positioned herself over him and finally he felt her. Her warm tight cunt slid over his head and back to the tip. She continued the torturous rhythm over and over, sinking down his length just a bit further each time until he began to unravel. He no longer had control of his body; his hands involuntarily grabbed her thighs in attempt to sink himself into her further.

The snap of the whip against his thigh made him growl and immediately drop his hands. It stung as if it would bleed and sent confusion through him for the frenzy of desire it created inside.

“Try harder! Now grab those heels you love and don’t let go until I say.” She slammed down taking him deep, riding him hard. Her moans and mumbled demands became louder and he could feel her begin to tremble. She bent back and reached behind his head ripping the blindfold from his eyes. With her back facing him her ass moved fast and her hair shook as it swayed across her back. As hard as he tried to keep quiet the moans began to escape his clenched jaw.

“Take me now!” She screamed as her sex gripped him with orgasm. Her nails piercing his thighs, the muscles of her ass and long legs working every inch of him, and the sight of his engorged cock being repeatedly swallowed by her wet cunt was his undoing. He gripped her hips hard and slammed her down onto him over and over growling with every slap until his cock surged uncontrollably. They came in unison as his body felt connected to hers in every possible way. Mumbled words, dripping sweat, moans of pleasure, extended the release beyond any depth he once knew. Grabbing a fist of her long locks he yanked her back to his chest spilling every last drop of his being into her delightfully wicked body…
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